
Akulaku is a leading banking and digital finance platform in Southeast Asia that operates in 4 major countries: Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia. Targeting an emerging market with an underserved but creditworthy and fast-growing consumer group, Akulaku currently provides users with digital banking, consumer credit, digital investment and insurance brokerage services, fulfilling financial needs for a wide range of customers.

Payment flow

  • Step1: Choose Akulaku option and click the buy button. Fill all necessary information and proceed to payment.
Akulaku selection and fill information
  • Step2: Log into account.
Akulaku login
  • Step3: Proceed to complete payment.
Akulaku complete payment
  • Step4: The user will be notified that the payment is now successful.
Akulaku successful


name description
Countries Indonesia flagID
Type E-Wallets
Processing currencies IDR
Supported currencies Refer to currency codes
Payment confirmation time Instant
Chargebacks Yes
Refunds Yes
Refund type API
Partial refund Yes
Refund timeframe As per merchant requirement (it is unlimited)
Onboarding required No
Recurring Payments No
Mobile UI Yes
Open new window Yes
Min Transaction Limit Depends on customer’s credit line

Available integrations:

  • Merchant model.

Included with your Terminal3 Payments account.

  • MOR model.

Terminal 3.