
Dotpay is a popular e-payment platform available in Poland. It allows customers to pay with credit cards, e-transfers as well as cash and mobile payments. Transactions can be processed with more than 30 Polish banks.

Payment flow

  • The customer selects their bank of choice.
Dotpay select screen
  • The customer fills out all requested data, agrees to the ToS and click on the “Dokonaj płatności” button.
Dotpay preset
Dotpay agreement
  • After the redirection to a new window, the customer completes the payment. In this case, a customer is making the payment via the Blik option.
Dotpay checkout


name description
Countries Poland flag PL
Type Bank Transfers
Processing currencies PLN
Supported currencies Refer to currency codes
Payment confirmation time Instant
Chargebacks No
Refunds Yes
Partial refund Yes
Refund time frame Unlimited
Onboarding required No
Recurring Payments No
Mobile UI Yes
Opens new window Yes
Min Transaction Limit 0.30 EUR

Available models:

  • Merchant.

Included with your Terminal3 Payments account.

  • MOR.

Terminal 3.