Gudang Voucher

GudangVoucher is an Indonesian e-wallet for online games, software activation codes, pay-per-view tv and other online services. To refill it, the customer can use various payment methods including bank transfer, mobile payments, gift vouchers amongst others.

Payment flow

  • The customer logs into their GudangVoucher account to complete the payment.
Gudang Voucher preset
  • The page shows the confirm button if the customer has a sufficient balance in their account.
Gudang Voucher confirmation
  • If the customer does not have enough balance, the page shows a message to top-up first before making a transaction.
Gudang Voucher not enough balance
  • If the customer has enough balance, the next page shows a successful transaction.
Gudang Voucher successful transaction

Gudang Voucher

name description
Countries Indonesia flagID
Type Cash and Prepaid
Processing currencies IDR
Supported currencies Refer to currency codes
Payment confirmation time Instant
Chargebacks No
Refunds No
Partial refund No
Onboarding required No
Recurring Payments No
Mobile UI No
Open new window Yes
Min Transaction Limit 0.30 EUR

Available integrations:

  • Merchant model.

Included with your Terminal3 Payments account.

  • MOR model.

Terminal 3.