OVO is a digital payment service based in Jakarta, Indonesia. It is a digital platform for simple payment and smart financial services, with affiliated merchants, business partners and members in its ecosystem. Pay everywhere and everything with OVO.No more constraints of cash, all your transactions now are easy, quick, and secure with OVO.

Payment flow

  • Step1: Select OVO and click on BUY
OVO preset
  • Step2: Log into OVO account
OVO confirmation
  • Step3: Choose the preferred payment option and click on PAY
OVO not enough balance
  • Step4: Complete the payment in OVO app
OVO successful transaction
  • Step5: The purchase is completed
OVO successful transaction


name description
Countries Indonesia flagID
Type E-Wallets
Processing currencies IDR
Supported currencies Refer to currency codes
Payment confirmation time Instant
Chargebacks No
Refunds No
Partial refund No
Onboarding required No
Recurring Payments No
Mobile UI No
Open new window Yes
Min Transaction Limit 0.30 EUR

Available integrations:

  • Merchant model.

Included with your Terminal3 Payments account.

  • MOR model.

Terminal 3.