
Pricepoint Widget, Fast Checkout

Signature is HMAC-SHA256 lowercase hash in the form of 32 digit hexadecimal number. Signature is calculated as follows:

sig = HMAC-SHA256("paramName1=paramValue1paramName2=paramValue2paramName3=paramValue3", SECRET_KEY)

Where SECRET_KEY is your Shop Secret Key that can be found in your shop settings. The additional parameters (e.g. $paramName1=paramValue1$paramValue2=paramValue2) should be sorted alphabetically by the parameter name prior to hash calculation, there also should not be elements with empty values.

Signature can be passed in sig parameter.


Signature is HMAC-SHA256 lowercase hash in the form of 32 digit hexadecimal number. Signature is calculated as follows:

sig = HMAC-SHA256(pingback_json_payload, SECRET_KEY)

Where SECRET_KEY is your Shop Secret Key that can be found in your shop settings. JSON payload of the pingback should be passed as a string into the hash function.

Pingback signature is passed using X-Terminal3-Signature pingback HTTP request header.